The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued an extension for its eviction moratorium through October 3, 2021. The extension is more limited in that it applies to localities with “high” or “substantial” levels of transmission of COVID-19. Given the new requirements, this moratorium is in effect in Fairfax County. According to CDC’s COVID Data Tracker, as of August 9, 2021, Fairfax County is indicated to have a “substantial” transmission level designation.
This order DOES NOT remove a renter’s responsibility pertaining to unpaid rent. If you currently have unpaid rent balances, those balances are still owed. When the moratorium expires, landlords may move to collect on rent balances, assess late fees, and pursue eviction proceedings if balances remain unpaid.
Help Is Available!
The extension of the eviction moratorium provides additional time for renters unable to pay rent to obtain assistance. There are avenues available to help residents pay their rent if they have experienced a loss of income, illness, or other burden that prevented the payment of rent during the pandemic. All renters who currently owe rent should contact Coordinated Services Planning (703-222-0880) as soon as possible to obtain assistance you may be eligible to receive.
Should you have any questions regarding your rights and responsibilities under the federal eviction moratorium or other landlord-tenant laws, we encourage you to reach out to Legal Services of Northern Virginia (LSNV). LSNV is located at 10700 Page Avenue, Suite 100, Fairfax, VA 22030. Their telephone number is (703)778-6800. Their website address is: www.lsnv.org. You may also contact your local legal aid program at (866) 534-5234 or www.valegalaid.org/find-legal-help.