To ensure everyone is safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no in-person testimony during the rescheduled Board of Supervisors (BOS) budget public hearings, Tuesday through Thursday, April 28 to 30. The hearings were rescheduled to give the board and members of the public more time to review the revised proposal released by Fairfax County Executive Bryan Hill , which, as a result of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, eliminates:

The proposed three-cent real estate tax rate increase, which would have funded Board of Supervisors priorities like early education, the environment and affordable housing.
The 4% Admissions Tax included in the original proposal.
An additional value of one cent on the tax rate for investment in affordable housing.
County compensation increases for employees.
The BOS and county staff value public input on the revised FY 2021 Budget proposal and have made arrangements for the public to submit comments in a the following formats (Note: For both phone and video testimony, individuals are given three minutes to speak; spokespersons for a civic, citizen's or homeowners association groups are given five minutes):
To testify by phone, use the speakers sign up form or call the Department of Clerk Services at 703-324-3151, TTY 711.
You must sign up before noon on the day of the meeting.
Once you’ve signed up to provide testimony, you can indicate that you wish to do so by phone when the Department of Clerk Services contacts you to confirm you are testifying. If you are providing testimony by phone you will receive a call, originating from 703-324-1000, just before your turn.
To testify by video, you must sign up and submit your video by 9 a.m. the day prior to the public hearing.
Members of the public can submit recorded video testimony via YouTube for any public hearing. Comments must be limited to issues relevant to the budget.
Videos must be submitted no later than 9 a.m. the day prior to the public hearing. For more details or to submit your video online, visit the Public Hearing Video Testimony page.
Your testimony will appear in the order you appear on the speakers list.
Written Testimony (Online)
Submit written testimony, including attachments, related to the FY 2021 Budget, FY 2020 Third Quarter Review, FY 2021-FY 2025 Capital Improvement Program, or FY 2021 Effective Tax Rate by emailing, or using the new online form option.
Submit written testimony for any other public hearing by e-mailing
Testimony can also be mailed to the Department of Clerk Services at 12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 552, Fairfax, VA 22035.
All meetings are televised on Channel 16 (closed captioning available), streamed live online and available to view on demand following the meeting.
For more information, visit;