The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) re-elected Robert Schwaninger, Mason District, and C. Melissa Jonas, Dranesville District as chairman and vice-chairman respectively, at its meeting on Thursday, July 18, 2019.
Commissioner Schwaninger was appointed to the FCRHA in 2006. Mr. Schwaninger, an attorney, has been practicing before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) since 1982, and began his own firm in 1986. Since that time, he has represented hundreds of businesses, licensees, tower owners, and persons before the FCC, the U.S. Court of Appeals, and various federal agencies and offices. Commissioner Schwaninger became involved in community activities in 2001 when he joined with his neighbors to participate informally in local land use issues. In 2005, he became chairman of the Mason District Area Plan task force, guiding the task force to provide a forum for citizens to offer all levels of input related to future land development throughout the district.
Vice-Chairman Jonas was appointed to the FCRHA in 2013. Ms. Jonas is a seventeen-year resident of Herndon and has served on the Herndon Town Council and currently serves as the Chair of the Town’s Planning Commission. In 2009, she was appointed by Fairfax County Supervisor John Foust to serve on the Dranesville District Area Plans Review Task Force, a group that reviewed the proposed development surrounding the Route 28 Metro Site and its future impact on the town. In 2018, she served as the chair of the task force appointed to reevaluate to the Innovation Station North area to determine a second option for land use in the area. Commissioner Jonas’ community involvement has included membership in a steering committee to develop a partnership between Trinity Presbyterian Church and Herndon Elementary School; leadership within local Girl Scout troops; serving as a Sunday school teacher at Trinity Presbyterian; and volunteering for the Herndon Hammerheads swim team.