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Funding Opportunity! Virginia’s Affordable and Special Needs Housing Program

Writer's picture: FCRHAFCRHA

Funding Opportunity! Virginia’s Affordable and Special Needs Housing Program; Applications Due March 29, 2019

The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development is making funding available for affordable housing projects throughout the Commonwealth under the Affordable and Special Needs Housing Program (ASNH), a bi-annual competitive application process. The due date for the latest round of funding is March 29, 2019, and applications, if approved, will be allocated funding from one or more of the following funding sources:

  • National Housing Trust Fund

  • Virginia Housing Trust Fund Competitive Loan Pool

  • HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Funds

National Housing Trust Fund resources will be limited to rental projects – new construction and rehabilitation – that are creating or preserving affordable units targeting extremely low income individuals (30 percent of Area Median Income and below). Priority will be given to projects that target special needs populations where at least 20 percent of the units are intended for individuals with disabilities.

For more information on National Housing Trust Fund requirements under ASNH as well as Virginia Housing Trust Fund and HOME requirements, and to access the consolidated application, visit the ASNH web page at

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