The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments has released a Regional Fair Housing Plan to help shape the future of housing in the region. The plan identifies actions, both for Fairfax County and the Washington, D.C. region to:
Increase access to housing,
Increase access to all neighborhoods,
Increase fair housing enforcement,
Remove barriers to housing choice,
Increase housing choice for persons with disabilities.
Local jurisdictions have a responsibility to affirmatively further fair housing and prevent discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing so that all residents can choose to live in communities with access to quality schools, jobs, and transportation. The Regional Fair Housing Plan is designed to help ensure that goals are consistent, collaborative, and more likely to be effective among the jurisdictions in the Washington metro area.
Your input is needed!
Review the Regional Fair Housing Plan at: All comments on the plan can be sent to or by voicemail at 202-962-3794 or TDD at 202-962-3213. Comments can be submitted by mail at MWCOG, 777 N. Capitol Street, NE, Suite 300, Washington D.C. 20002, Attn: Fair Housing.
For more information, click here: Housing Discrimination | Human Rights and Equity Programs (