The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the redevelopment of the Franconia Governmental Center located at 6121 Franconia Road, Alexandria, Virginia (Lee District). The 3.26-acre property was transferred to the FCRHA in March 2021 by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors for the potential development of affordable housing.

In accordance with the provisions of the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA), the FCRHA is seeking a qualified developer to design, develop, construct, own, and operate (at no cost to the FCRHA) an affordable multifamily community under the terms of a long-term, nominal fee ground lease from the FCRHA. The total number of units on the property would not exceed 120.
Accessing the Request for Proposals
The RFP contains all development criteria, proposal submission requirements, and evaluation process details. The RFP is available online through Fairfax County’s Procurement Portal at the link below. Applicants will need to log-in and/or register a new vendor account to access the RFP materials.
Procurement Portal: Franconia Governmental Center Redevelopment Click Here for a printable copy of the Project Overview and Property Description
All questions from potential applicants should be submitted in writing and sent via email to Mary.Walker3@fairfaxcounty.gov. All submissions will be due by 2 p.m. on April 14, 2022.
About this RFP and Next Steps
By issuing this Request for Proposals, the FCRHA has taken the initial step in selecting a developer for this redevelopment opportunity. Once selected, the developer will begin the work of progressing through the land development process. This process has many steps between conceptualization to completion of the project which require review, and county approval. The process also includes significant community engagement efforts throughout. Additional information will be made available as the project progresses.