Fairfax County RedeVelopment and Housing AUTHORITY
Navigate the Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Report
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The FCRHA is a player in Fairfax County's efforts to prevent and end homelessness. The Office to Prevent and End Homelessness is part of the Fairfax County Department of Housing and Community Development. It is centered on the mission of promoting inclusive and thriving communities.
Increasing rental assistance to those suffering from mental illness
The FCRHA and Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) partnered to add 300 new supportive rental assistance vouchers. Learn more.
Annual "Point in Time" count of people experiencing homelessness in Greater D.C. region
There were 1,278 people experiencing homelessness in Fairfax County on the night of the 2024 Point in Time count. Get the details.
Partnership with faith-based community and private developer to bring more supportive housing
Plans are underway to redevelop Fairfax's Hy-Way Motel site into Beacon Landing, a five-story residential/mixed-use community with 54 apartments and an employment center. The community will mainly serve older adults who are experiencing homelessness, and those who have extremely low income levels. Learn more.
Helping people experiencing homelessness in Fairfax County.
"[We are] making sure the voices of people with lived experience are being heard. But not just heard - having decision making [power]."
Katrina Wayne, Fairfax County Department of Housing and Community Development's Office to Prevent and End Homelessness. Watch her story.