Fairfax County RedeVelopment and Housing AUTHORITY

Empowering Communities and Building Futures
Annual Report Fiscal Year 2024
(July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)

Affordable housing is the cornerstone of equitable living in Fairfax County. It lifts people up, shares power across communities, and enables families everywhere to write their own futures. That is why we centered ourselves around two mantras at the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority:
Empowering communities and building futures.
The heart of our work is in the people who benefit from it – federal voucher program clients to first-time home buyers, single parents to older adults. Our customers uplift the communities they live in through their hard work, contributions to the local tax base and economic development, and by embedding themselves in their neighborhoods. In turn, the opportunity to live in affordable housing provides a solid foundation upon which a person can build a brighter future for themselves and their families. During the past year:
$50 million was made available for affordable housing and development projects. Additionally, more than $130 million in tax exempt bonds were issued by the FCRHA.
470 new affordable homes opened, while more than 2.000 were under construction or in development.
More than 5,400 people were served through federal affordable housing vouchers.
92 households were supported in becoming new homeowners.
Our Annual Report reflects on the work done to empower communities and build futures across Fairfax County.