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County to Focus on Housing’s Role in Achieving Successful Health, Education and Economic Outcomes

Fairfax County’s 2021 Housing Symposium will bring together elected leaders, advocates, residents, and members/partners from the health, education, and business communities to discuss a fundamental factor in ensuring positive outcomes for Fairfax County residents – affordable housing.

Homes provide an essential foundation for healthier communities, educational achievement, and economic growth both for individual residents as well as for the entire county. In Fairfax County, we believe that “we all do better when WE ALL do better.” Unfortunately, too many of our community’s essential workforce are struggling to access the area’s challenging housing market. An affordable home is essential to providing families with the stability, opportunities and control necessary for households to thrive and achieve their fullest potential.

With rents continuing to rise and incomes struggling to keep pace – particularly those jobs with low-to-moderate hourly wages – many critical frontline and essential workers are finding it increasingly difficult to find homes in the communities where they work. They include food and retail service workers, childcare and education professionals, health/public safety workers, and more. This issue affects us all. After all, how can Fairfax County be a thriving community if the housing market cannot accommodate the diverse income ranges of the workers needed to support it?

We invite you to take part in the discussion and to be a part of the solution for promoting more affordable housing development in Fairfax County. Join us at the virtual 2021 Fairfax County Housing Symposium and help elevate the conversation of affordable housing in Fairfax County!

2021 Fairfax County Housing Symposium Wednesday, March 10, 2021 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This event will be held via Zoom.

REGISTER TODAY to obtain instructions and links to access the event.

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