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Farewell to Albert J. McAloon, Lee District Commissioner

Updated: Apr 15, 2021

At its March 18, 2021 meeting, the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) recognized Albert McAloon for his leadership and guidance as he completed his term of service as the Lee District Commissioner to the FCRHA. Mr. McAloon served as the Lee District Commissioner from July 1995 through January 2021.

Mr. McAloon distinguished himself as FCRHA Vice Chair for two terms and as a member of the FCRHA Planning and Development (P&D) Committee, the FCRHA Revitalization Committee, and the FCRHA Housing Ownership, Management, and Security Committee, also serving as Chair on the P&D and Revitalization Committees.

Mr. McAloon was a strong supporter and voice for senior citizens and persons with disabilities in Fairfax County and was committed to housing accessibility. He was the driving force behind the development of the FCRHA’s Housing Accessibility Policy. He also played a critical role in a variety of FCRHA policy decisions and development projects affecting residents in the Lee District and across Fairfax County, including the Murraygate Village Apartments rehabilitation project in the Lee District, the FCRHA’s designation as a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) “Moving to Work” agency, and many others.

During his tenure, Fairfax County has been recognized for its outstanding work on affordable housing projects by national organizations such as the National Association of Counties and the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials.

The FCRHA wishes Mr. McAloon great happiness, success, and prosperity in all his future endeavors.

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1 Comment

Apr 08, 2021

Al McAloon is a long respected public servant devoted to the creation of affordable and accessible housing in Fairfax County. His many years of service on the FCRHA cannot be recognized by a simple resolution or plaque. That kind of long sacrifice and effort demands much more. May I humbly suggest that Al be recommended for the Lord Fairfax award. God knows he deserves it. Robert Schwaninger, Former Chairman, FCRHA.

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