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FCRHA Adopts FY 2020 Strategic Plan

Writer's picture: FCRHAFCRHA

The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) adopted its Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Strategic Plan, July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, driven by the Housing Blueprint.  The Strategic Plan provides an overview of the major FCRHA activities and projects and their anticipated FY 2020 outcomes.  The Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) Lines of Business (LOBs) were set up to support the mission and values of the FCRHA, and, as such, each LOB represents a strategic area in the FCRHA Strategic Plan for FY 2020:

1) Affordable Housing Development, Preservation and Sustainability; 2) Affordable Rental Housing, Property Management and Maintenance; 3) Tenant Subsidies and Resident Services; 4) Homeownership and Relocation Services; and 5) FCRHA/HCD Program Planning, Development and Management.

Highlights of the plan include:

  • Public Private Partnerships and FCRHA projects, particularly reflected in the FCRHA’s lending activity: The Affordable Housing Partnership Program (AHPP) is designed to facilitate new housing production and preservation by non-profits and others through the provision of financing by the FCRHA combined with financing from various sources including Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, local funding, and private financing.  The FCRHA also pursues private sector partnerships with organizations under the Virginia Public-Private Educational Facilities Infrastructure Act (PPEA).

  • Moving to Work/Continuing Implementation of THRIVE:  The FCRHA will continue its work in implementing the THRIVE initiative (Total Housing Reinvention for Individual Success, Vital Services and Economic Empowerment).  Several changes will be implemented on how rent is calculated for FCRHA residents; there will be continued implementation of changes to the Family Self-Sufficiency Program; and HCD will release the results of the health assessment of residents conducted by George Mason University.

  • Communitywide Housing Strategic Plan: During calendar year 2018, the Board of Supervisors approved Phase 1 of the Communitywide Housing Strategic Plan, which is currently being implemented, and Phase 2 is underway with recommendations brought to the Board in March.  It is anticipated that recommendations from Phase 2 of the Communitywide Plan, which focuses on identifying housing resources to meet housing needs over the next 15 years, could be included in the FY 2021 Budget Guidance adopted as part of the FY 2020 Budget.

  • One Fairfax:  The FCRHA adopted the One Fairfax Racial and Social Equity Resolution in March and it is included as an FCRHA Value in the FCRHA Strategic Plan.  While the FCRHA has consistently factored equity into its decision-making processes, adopting this resolution and including it as a Value in the FCRHA Strategic Plan underscores the importance of prioritizing equity as part of established policy.

  • Three new initiatives or projects involving County-owned land to be utilized for affordable housing:  Autumn Willow Senior Housing calls for the construction of up to 180 affordable senior independent units in Springfield District; Oakwood Senior Housing involves construction of 150 units of affordable senior independent housing in Lee District (Autumn Willow and Oakwood are PPEA projects); Arrowbrook Centre Apartments project will involve the construction of three separate buildings consisting of a total of 274 units of affordable housing in the Herndon area (Dranesville District). Arrowbrook will be affordable to households with incomes at 40 percent, 50 percent and 60 percent of the Area Median Income and will include 15 accessible units for disabled residents.

To view the FY 2020 Strategic Plan, click here; to view the Overview of the FY 2020 FCRHA Budget, click here.

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