Don’t let your hard-earned money drip…drip…drip down the drain!
Join Fairfax County HomeWise volunteers for a 60-minute webinar on water conservation in bathrooms. Instructors will help you identify leaks in your bathroom and where, when, and how to intervene. They’ll also share new tips and tricks for saving water in sinks, toilets, tubs, and showers to turn your bathrooms into water-saving sanctuaries!
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Come prepared with questions about common topics such as installing low-flow aerators and showerheads, ending bad water use habits and creating good ones, helping kids learn to be more conscious of their water use, and dealing with basic leaks.
Questions about the event can be emailed to HomeWise@fairfaxcounty.gov.
About HomeWise
The Fairfax County HomeWise program educates, empowers, and enables residents to make changes that reduce energy use, water use, and associated costs in their homes. Volunteers assist low- and moderate-income residents with physical improvements to their homes and provide support for behavior changes that are proven to conserve resources and money. Educational ambassadors connect with Fairfax County students and residents to raise awareness of personal actions that can save energy, water, and money.