The National Leased Housing Association (NLHA) administers an Education Fund which awards education grants and scholarships to low-income individuals residing in federally assisted rental housing – this includes housing subsidized through programs such as the Housing Choice Voucher program, or properties that have been awarded federal low-income housing tax credits. For complete program details, please visit https://hudnlha.com/education-fund/.
The NLHA offers four types of scholarships. Students must decide on only ONE of the scholarship opportunities listed below:
AIR CARES COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIP which is directed to eligible applicants who are graduating high school seniors or current undergraduates who demonstrate both merit and need to pursue an undergraduate degree.
WILLIAM F. GANDERT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP which benefits an eligible graduating high school senior or returning student who demonstrates both merit and need to pursue educational opportunities in a specific trade or vocation.
MARY LOU MANZIE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP designed to benefit a non-traditional student by providing eligible applicants who demonstrate both merit and need, a chance to pursue higher education or other training that will lead to better employment opportunities.
NEIL CHURCHILL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP intended for eligible applicants who are graduating college and pursuing graduate level study (or otherwise seeking a graduate education) who demonstrate both merit and need.
To Apply
Applications must be submitted online through NLHA’s website at https://nlhascholars.communityforce.com. Students will need to create a NLHA login account in order to apply. All applications must be submitted by Friday, March 24, 2023, at 5 p.m. EST.
Please direct questions to the NLHA via email at info@hudnlha.com or by calling 202-785-8888.