In 2004, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) launched an annual campaign, known as National Preparedness Month, a time to remember the events of Sept. 11 and highlight the importance of being prepared to the nation.
As part of this campaign, Fairfax County will be regularly sharing information to help residents plan and prepare for potential emergencies. Topics will include:
· Week 1: Make an Emergency Plan – Start it!
· Week 2: Practice Your Plan
· Week 3: Assemble Your Emergency Kits
· Week 4: Stay Informed During an Emergency
· Week 5: Get Involved
For more information on these topics, and to follow updates and information throughout the month, visit the Fairfax County Emergency Information Blog at https://fairfaxcountyemergency.wpcomstaging.com/blog/.

Check Out Fairfax County’s Community Emergency Response Guide
Fairfax County faces many hazards. In the past several years, our community has responded to major storms, hurricanes and power outages. Be prepared for any natural disaster or emergency. Download a PDF copy of the Community Emergency Response Guide (CERG), available in multiple languages: English (PDF) | Spanish (PDF) | Korean (PDF) | Arabic (PDF) | Mandarin (PDF) | Vietnamese (PDF)

Participate in Fairfax County’s Emergency Preparedness Survey
The Department of Emergency Management and Security is also launching the 2022 Emergency Preparedness Survey to assess the culture of personal disaster preparedness and resilience in Fairfax County.