The National Leased Housing Association (NLHA) administers an Education Fund created to provide educational assistance to residents of federally assisted rental housing – this includes housing subsidized through programs such as the Housing Choice Voucher program, the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program, or properties that have been awarded federal low-income housing tax credits. To date, the fund has provided over $1.4 million in tuition assistance nationwide.
Assistance is available through four separate scholarship programs. Specific criteria have been developed for each category and consideration is afforded to all eligible candidates who apply. Students must decide on only ONE of the scholarship opportunities listed below:
AIR Gives Opportunity Scholarship: This scholarship is directed to eligible applicants who are college freshmen or returning undergraduates.
Bill Gandert Memorial Vocational Scholarship: This scholarship program is directed to graduating high school seniors interested in studying a specific trade (electrician; nurse; plumber; medical assistant; hair stylist; paramedic; etc.).
The Mary Lou Manzie Memorial Scholarship: Assistance will be provided to benefit non-traditional students (students who have been out of high school for at least three years) in pursuing an associates or undergraduate degree.
The Neil Churchill Memorial Scholarship: Assistance provided to eligible applicants who are seeking to complete graduate level coursework.
To Apply
The application period opens Tuesday, November 1, 2022, and runs through March 24, 2023. Applications must be submitted online through NLHA’s website at https://bit.ly/NLHAScholarships2023. Students will need to create a NLHA login account to apply. Awards are expected to be announced in early June 2023.
Please review the Frequently Asked Questions available on the NLHA website. Additional questions can be directed to the NLHA via email at info@hudnlha.com or by calling 202-785-8888.