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U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Meets with Fairfax County Leaders

Writer's picture: FCRHAFCRHA

Matthew Heckles, Regional Administrator, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), met with several Fairfax County affordable housing leaders this week. The meeting, which took place at the Hybla Valley Community Center in Alexandria, highlighted Fairfax County’s innovative approaches to developing and preserving affordable housing. He was joined by Lisa Johnson, HUD Field Office Director, and Belinda Fadlelmola, HUD Senior Management Analyst and Congressional and Community Liaison.

Mr. Heckles received a briefing from Fairfax County Department of Housing and Community Development Director Tom Fleetwood, and Deputy Directors Tom Barnett, Amy Ginger, and

Anna Shapiro. Franconia District Supervisor Rodney Lusk, Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw, and Ronell Chatmon, Community Engagement Representative for the Office of Congressman Gerald E. Connolly, also attended.

“Fairfax County serves as an example of what is possible when local leaders and affordable housing officials enjoy close collaboration,” said Mr. Heckles. “The robust and innovative programs coming forth from Fairfax serve as an affordable housing playbook for other jurisdictions across the country.”

Topics discussed included:

  • Homelessness: The latest Point-In-Time count data and unique challenges posed by aging homeless populations

  • Affordable housing voucher programs: Fairfax County administers approximately 5,500 vouchers annually

  • Moving to Work: Fairfax County’s unique designation as a “Moving to Work” agency which enables greater flexibility with applying federal dollars to meet unique local needs

  • Engaging Landlords in the Housing Choice Voucher program: Expanding the number – and locations - of landlords who rent to Housing Choice Voucher holders, with a goal of affordable housing availability in all corners of Fairfax County

  • Affordable housing development: Layered real estate finance and development strategies used to create new affordable housing opportunities

The team toured the neighborhood around the Hybla Valley Community Center, including Audubon Estates.


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