Fairfax County invested $51.9 million in affordable housing during the past fiscal year, according to the newly-released Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority’s (FCRHA) fiscal year 2023 annual report. The report also highlights data and accomplishments from across the agency – from rental assistance, to preventing and ending homelessness, to affordable home preservation.

“During the past year, we acted as a catalyst to generate affordable housing opportunities in the Fairfax community. Through bringing together real estate developers, local elected officials, federal and state governments, nonprofit organizations and the community, the FCRHA sparked a myriad of affordable housing accomplishments,” said Lenore Stanton, Chair, FCRHA.
Among the year’s highlights:
More than 5,000 households were served through federal rental assistance programs
86 households purchased their first home utilizing affordable homeownership programs
936 people moved into permanent housing from Fairfax County shelters
1,219 new, affordable homes were under construction and 1,210 were in predevelopment
155 affordable homes were preserved using FCRHA financing
The report also includes videos highlighting people who live in affordable housing as well as new projects underway. Subject matter experts from FCRHA on real estate finance, affordable home preservation, and homelessness contribute industry perspective.