During FY 2021, Fairfax County is expected to have access to more than $8 million in federal funding to support the creation of and access to affordable housing for individuals and households throughout the county – with particular emphasis on individuals and families experiencing homelessness; those (including seniors) with extremely low incomes; and individuals with disabilities. Federal dollars are provided through several programs, including: the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and the Emergency Solutions Grant.
The county is seeking public comment on the One-Year Action Plan for utilizing federal housing dollars to advance affordable housing countywide during Fiscal Year 2021 (July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021). The plan outlines the county’s expectations for the amount of federal funding to be received and identifies the goals and objectives identified by the community that those resources will be used for. According to the proposed action plan, the county will utilize the funds in an effort to:
Acquire and preserve affordable housing for special needs and other income eligible households ($4.2 million)
Fund housing program administrative costs and fair housing activities ($2 million)
To Fund public services and rent subsidies, including activities to be funded through the Consolidated Community funding Pool for FY 2021 and assistance for households experiencing homelessness ($2 million)