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2019 Egan Excellence Awards Honor Outstanding Achievement of Housing Professionals

Each year, the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority presents the annual Egan Excellence Awards in recognition of outstanding achievement by employees of the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The 2019 Egan awards—named in recognition of former FCRHA Chairman and a pivotal player in the Northern Virginia housing community, Conrad Egan—recognize exceptional contributions in service, leadership and collaboration that assist the FCRHA in achieving its mission.

Excellence in Service: Jyotsna Sharma

Jyotsna Sharma, Associate Director of Real Estate Finance, has been instrumental in leading the real estate financing for numerous FCRHA projects – including the One University project. Throughout the past year, her leadership, collaboration and financial guidance have been critical to helping evaluate and deliver a successful financial strategy to maximize the project’s success.

Excellence in Leadership: Amy Ginger and James Speight

As Deputy Director of Operations, Amy Ginger’s leadership, experience and perspective have fueled many transformational undertakings which have positioned the FCRHA to perform more efficiently and enhanced the flexibility to respond to the rising needs. Key projects from the last year include the conversion of the FCRHA’s entire Public Housing portfolio under HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD); leading the successful reopening of both federal waitlists; and the reorganization of multiple units within HCD to maximize operational efficiencies.

James Speight, Director of the Property Improvement and Maintenance Division, has been a remarkable leader within HCD for more than 30 years. In 2019, he led his team in the completion of key repairs in the preservation of Murraygate Village; the completion of important capital projects for the RAD Project-Based Voucher Portfolio; assisting the FCRHA remain compliant with its HUD obligations under RAD; and all while continuing to provide outstanding maintenance services to over 1,800 residential units.

Excellence in Collaboration: Joan Beckner, Lauren Best, Lura Bratcher, Samantha Gallo, Elisa Johnson, Dwayne Marcus, Vincent Rogers and Bryant Sanders

During the last year, this Disability Housing Team, led two major efforts that resulted in additional housing opportunities for some of Fairfax County’s most vulnerable residents and enable them to become more self-sufficient and progress toward financial independence. Their work included a successful grant application for 55 additional Mainstream Housing Choice Vouchers to assist individuals with disabilities transitioning out of institutional settings or at high risk of homelessness or institutionalization; and obtaining additional funding under the State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP) for 34 individuals with developmental disabilities – bringing the FCRHA’s total SRAP population to 118 individuals.

Congratulations to this year’s Egan Awards recipients on your outstanding achievement and service to Fairfax County.

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