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FCRHA Adopts FY 2019 Strategic Plan

Writer's picture: FCRHAFCRHA

The Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) adopted its Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Strategic Plan, July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, driven by the Housing Blueprint.  The Strategic Plan provides an overview of the major FCRHA activities and projects – and their anticipated FY 2019 outcomes – and is structured around the Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) Lines of Business (LOBs), which are:

1) Affordable Housing Development, Preservation and Sustainability; 2) Affordable Rental Housing, Property Management and Maintenance; 3) Tenant Subsidies and Resident Services; 4) Homeownership and Relocation Services; and 5) FCRHA/HCD Program Planning, Development and Management.

Highlights of the plan include:

The inclusion of the Arden Project: The FCRHA approved financing for this project, which calls for the provision of 125 affordable housing units (Mount Vernon District).

The Residences at North Hill Park: Development of 35 FCRHA-owned acres known as "North Hill” under the Virginia Public-Private Educational Facilities Infrastructure Act (PPEA) (Mount Vernon District).

Lewinsville Senior Housing and Services Facility Expansion: The redevelopment of the Lewinsville senior housing and services facility in McLean which will provide: 1) 82 units of “Independent Living” housing for the elderly; 2) space for the Health Department’s Adult Day care facility; 3) two child day care centers; and 4) expansion of services of the existing Senior Center programs operated by the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services.

Moving to Work/Continuing Implementation of THRIVE: Creating a housing continuum that seamlessly joins together the county’s housing programs – including Rental Assistance Demonstration- Fairfax County Rental Program and Housing Choice Vouchers, and establishing goals to help residents move toward self-sufficiency.

Communitywide Housing Strategic Plan: Leading the development and implementation of a communitywide strategic plan. Phase 1 of the plan, with short-term strategies, is anticipated to be complete in FY19.

To view the FY 2019 Strategic Plan, click here; to view the Overview of the FY 2019 FCRHA Budget, click here.

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